Slings in the Spanish Civil War
Following years of political turmoil, the Spanish Civil War began on July 17, 1936 with a military coup led by the general Francesco Franco. This coup, supported by Spanish monarchists, fascists, the Catholic church as well as Nazi Germany, was directed against a coalition of communists, socialists, republicans and anarchists who had won the elections shortly before. The war continued for three years until it eventually ended with the dictatorship of Franco, which lasted until 1977.
Despite the (halfhearted) support by the Soviet Union and by international brigades the republicans struggled with inferior equipment und had to resort to rather uncommon methods: Among their troops there were the "Dinamiteros", who threw improvised grenades towards the nationalists using slings. This seems to have displeased the latter so much, that they executed all captured Dinamiteros immediately...

Caption: "An experienced Dinamitero, one of those who shoot their projectiles with considerable accuracy using a sling."
Although probably unintentionally conforming to the ancient tradition of slingers, the projectile is inscribed. The three letters "UHP", which are not visible in this picture, stand for "Uníos Hermanos Proletarios", which means "Unite, proletarian brothers" - a slogan of the republicans. This and the following two photographs were taken by the journalists Félix Albero Truyen and Francisco Segovia García.

Caption: "The leader of a group of Dinamiteros"

Caption: "A group of Dinamiteros who specialize on the throwing of grenades using slings."
A closer look reveals that the Dinamiteros used braided slings with a split pouch. The pouch even seems to be covered with leather, as is the case with today's Balearic slings.

A photograph taken by the German war journalist Gerda Taro

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- Amero, J. M.; González, M.: Armas y Pertrechos de le Guerra Civil Española. Editiones Poniente, 1981.